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2024 In-person Auction
Proceed benefit Phase 2 of the outdoor classroom.

Help raise money at the upcoming SRE Auction on March 23, 2024 by helping to stock the wine pull auction event!

Wine pull event- at the auction tickets for the wine pull will be sold at a set amount. Throughout the auction u are able to use your ticket to randomly pull a bottle of wine from the table. The bottles are wine are wrapped the same so it is a mystery on what bottle you will get. Bottleneck the past, bottles in the wine pull have ranged from $5 to over $100!

Bring a bottle to share with friends on Oct 19th and a bottle to donate for the wine pull.

Hope to see you all there! 


2023 archives below

2022-2023 Online Auction
Thank YOU SRE community for showing up at the 2023 online auction.
As a community we rose an ALL-TIME online auction high of just over $6,000! Winners should have already been notified by one cause (auction software). If not, please reach out to Terra Barkman at terrabarkman@sbcglobal.net
A special shout out to Terra Ebert Barkman, Kari Kemper Fernando & Jenny 'Fimmen' Stilley for the work they put into the online auction!

2022 In person auction NEWS!!!


SO excited to share!


Due to the amazing outpouring of support at out 2021-2022 in person auction we are able to bring an outdoor classroom to the SRE community. 

It will be located outside in between Pod A and Pod B. Expected completion August 2023!



2022 In Person Auction recap


A huge shout out to the PTO for an amazing auction night. A great time was had by all. A special thanks to Jenny Stilley and Christina Harper and the auction team for their hard work.  It was great to see so many SRE families in person and all in the same room. It was good for the soul. The outpouring of support reminded me of how lucky we are to be a part of this SRE school family.